Ceļotāju somās nedrīkstēs atrasties desas un piena produkti [6]

Sākot ar 2009.gada 1.maiju stasies spēka likums, kas aizliegs Eiropas Savienības teritorijā ievest produktus, kuri saturēs gaļu un pienu. Muitnieki drīkstēs ceļotājiem atņemt desu, konservus, speķi un pat šokolādes konfektes, jo to ražošanā tiek izmantots piens. Šādi stingri nosacījumi ieviesti, lai aizsargātu vietējo pašmāju produkciju, kā arī ierobežotu slimību izplatību. Aizliegums neattieksies uz bērnu pārtiku, kā arī personām, kurām ir veselības dēļ noteikta speciāla ēšanas programmas. Taču šajā gadījumā produktiem būs jābūt speciāli iepakotiem un to daudzums nedrīkstēs pārsniegt divus kilogramus.

Speciāli sagatavoti suņi Eiropas lidostās meklēs pārtiku ceļotāju somās. Ja tiks atklāti produkti, kuri ir iekļauti aozliegtajā sarakstā, tie tiks konfiscēti, bet pasažieriem būs jāmaksā sods, kura izmēri gan vēl tiek precizēti.

Pievienotais video ir liels un tā atvēršana var aizņemt ilgāku laiku:


(vārds) Ieraksti rezultātu

1 Zaiga 03/20/2009 18:59 Labi, ka ES robēžās vēl var :) Desu no Indijas tātad nevest.

2 stāvgrūdām pilni vārti 03/18/2009 14:29 par "putnu gripu" esi kaut ko dzirdējis?

3 bāc! 03/18/2009 13:19 un kādas tad slimības var pārvadāt šie gatavie produkti? es ko dzeršu slimu pienu un ēdīšu slimu desu??? vienīgi caureju varu dabūt... sviests!

4 xc90 03/18/2009 12:45 Dzīvnieku izcelsmes produkts - medus :)

5 ha! 03/18/2009 12:31 Rules from 1 May 2009

On 1 May 2009, clearer EU rules on the introduction of personal consignments of animal products into the EU will enter into force. This new legislation intends to clearly explain to the general public the rules concerning the introduction of animal products into the European Union. Indeed, animal products brought into the EU by travellers or through the post, could pose a risk to the health of EU livestock by carrying with them certain animal diseases such as foot and mouth disease. The general public therefore plays an important role in ensuring biosecurity and keeping such diseases out of the EU.

* Travellers will not in general be allowed to bring in meat, milk or their products, unless they are coming with less than 10 kilograms of meat, milk or their products from Croatia, the Faeroe Islands, Greenland, or Iceland.
* There will also be an exemption for powdered infant milk, infant food, and special foods or special pet feed required for medical reasons, if weighing less than 2 kilograms and provided that:
o such products do not require refrigeration before opening,
o that they are packaged proprietary brand products for direct sale to the final consumer, and
o the packaging is unbroken unless in current use.
* For fishery products (including fish and certain shellfish such as prawns, lobsters, dead mussels and dead oysters), travellers will be able to bring in up to 20 kilograms or the weight of one fish if this is higher. However, there will be no such weight restriction for travellers coming from the Faeroe Islands or Iceland.
* For other animal products, such as honey, live oysters, live mussels and snails for example, travellers will be able to bring in up to 2 kilograms.
* These rules will not apply to animal products transported between the 27 Member States of the EU, or for animal products coming from Andorra, Liechtenstein, Norway, San Marino, and Switzerland.

6 ha! 03/18/2009 12:11 Vai tas attiecas uz rokas bagāžu vai jebkādu bagāžu?
Un kas tās par muļķībām - tad Liamas šokolādi kā suvenīru vairs nevarēs vest?


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